If you didn't catch the movie reference in the title, it comes from my favourite movie The Sound of Music. This is my movie I watch when I'm happy, need a Julie Andrews fix, sick, or down and it always makes me feel better and cheers me up. Which is very strange considering it takes place in WWII.
My plan with these posts are to highlight things I have found on the internet or in general that I love, and talk a little bit about them. So without further ado here we go starting with sharing some blog love to my pal Nicole.

Anyway lets talk about her blog. What I love about Nicole's blog is her writing style. Shes has a very funny dry humor that comes out in her writing and the stories she has through travelling are hilarious. She's what I like to call ballsy and doesn't mind speaking her mind, which I find refreshing.
She started hers shortly after I started this blog when it was Hoppipolla. She used it as a way to keep in touch with family and close friends as she travels all over North America with her husband who moves around for his job. Since redesigning my blog, Nicole was inspired to switch up her look. One of the most important things she changed was the fact that she changed her blog from private to public which means that now everyone can enjoy the wonderfulness. She is an avid reader and has a section devoted to books reviews and where you can purchase them. There is a section for Recipes and reviews that she has either created or found and tried out. Website section with products she loves and websites she visits, as well as a Daily Inspiration Section to help motivate you when you need it or just to help put a smile on your face.
As we've been helping each other out we've also shared our plans for our blogs long term and I'm so excited to see what she has in store for hers. Its always so great to have someone who's in the same place as you goal wise to keep you going when sometimes you don't want to. So check it out her blog here, and show her some love.
This is an adorable Etsy shop I found through Kate's Blog. Honestly check out her custom designed items. She makes everything from cosmetic cases, to knitting needle rolls, tote bags, gifts, and more. She can customize her items to fit your choice in either size or fabrics. I have a lot of her items on my wish list like a makeup bag and matching brush roll, craft bag rolls, crochet knitting and sewing kit rolled case, and maybe even a travelling bag of some sort. Ya when I like something I really go all out. And look at these fabrics!!!
Look at this amazing Makeup Case with the Limited Edition Fabric. I love how geeky chic this looks. She doesn't have a mustache fabric to nerdy glasses or the next way to go for me.
The supply rolls can double as a craft supply holder, as you can see in this picture. Look at all the different pockets there are for all your crafty needs.
And check out these Makeup Brush Rolls. OCD friendly and so organized. Great way to also keep your brushes cleaner longer.
The best part of these items is the fact that they are so well priced for the size and quality of the item. Also not that it matters but it kinda totally does, the owner is Canadian. High Five for Canadians. If you need a gift for a girl that's totally cute and a little different check out her Etsy store here.
And finally we come to the last thing on my favourite things list this week. These are all the novels written by Colleen Hoover, which I was recommended to read through my KOBO account. I've been all over these books the last month and a half. She has written two series so far the first being her Slammed Series and her second series which is the Hopeless Series with the second book coming out July 9th. (Don't read the spoilers people, just read the books.
Her Slammed Series was adorable and sometimes heart breaking to read as it brought back some emotions with real life situations that happened in my life. The relationship between the two main characters Will and Lake was adorable to read, and Colleen Hoover added perfect humor that had me laughing out loud. By far my favourite character was Kiersten who was this cute little 10 year old introduced in book two Point of Retreat. She had the best lines and created a new swear word Butterfly. Seriously if you want to know what I mean just pick them up and read them.
Her Hopeless Series I would say is more of an adult novel as it deals with more hardcore issues but I actually found it to be my favourite out of all of her books. It was so well written and dealt with real issues in what I felt was a well done and respectful way. Don't even get me started on Holder's character cause honestly there aren't enough words to describe how amazing he is. If this were ever to be made into a movie I would just about do anything to be a part of it. Whether is was an extra in the back round which if you read my Meet Paula will know is a dream of me, or even portray Karen cause I loved her story and character. She was so brave and amazing and I think maybe a little under used.
I could literally go on and on about these stories but they are honestly just something you are gonna have to pick up and read yourself. I'm usually all for giving spoilers but this time I don't know I can't do it. I just want people to go out and purchase the books so they get even more popular. So in the words of Keirsten just butterflying do it already!!
Well look out for this weekly feature which will be on the blog every Wednesday from now on, and have an awesome weekend.