May 23, 2013

Chalkboard Frames Tutorials

I'm currently a member of my work's Social Committee. I love to be a member because we usually get about  two events to plan for the year. This year we have decided to host a Breakfast Event, and as soon as I heard breakfast '50's Diner' came into my head. Once I said that to the other three members the theme exploded and we decided to run with it. Especially one member who like me loves the 50's. 
I had 6 frames at home that I've been wanting to change into chalkboard frames for the Condo. I think these are great for photobooths but also to write food items on for house parties. We will be using them for the  Breakfast Event  for labeling different food items. 
 So here is a tutorial for how to make these incredibly easy decorative frames. 

 Items You Will Need:

Paint for the Frames- I had some white Valspar Paint that I used for this project that I bought at Lowes. Because the frames I had lying around were brown I decided to go with a white paint on the frame to help make the black chalkboard paint pop. I bought the frames at the dollar store months ago but you can always choose a frame that you don't have to paint.

Chalkboard Paint- I went to Lowes and picked up the Rust-Oleum Chalkboard Paint. They also have it in a Spray Can form which
is great if you're only using this for small projects. I bought the 1/4 can because there are a few projects I want to use this for.

Frames- As I mentioned above I picked these up at the dollar store. I got about 6 of them.

Paintbrushes- I got mine at Michael's, but you can also get these at the dollar store.

Step One:
Take all your frames apart and clean them up. I always like to give everything a quick wipe down so no dirt or dust gets in the paint.

Step Two:
I covered the glass of the frames in 3 layers of chalkboard paint, making sure to let each layer dry before applying the next coat.

I then covered the frames in 2 layers of the white paint, also making sure to let each layer dry.

Step Three:
And that's pretty much it. Once everything was dry I just reassembled and ta-da. All done.

Like I said a super easy DIY with lots of uses. I hope you found this useful and don't forget to check out some of my other tutorials on this blog.

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  1. This is a great idea, super easy project with so many uses! I like the idea of using it for everyday stuff as well such as an ongoing grocery list, little notes to each other, or if you're like me and need them, Reminders! Fabulous Idea!

    1. Ya we have a cabinet in the Kitchen I painted in chalkboard paint, for reminders and such. I usually leave Richard dirty messages on it though. :D

  2. Nice! I'm a massive fan of cleaning up thrift shop picture frames. The get a second life and I get a cheap frame. Everyone wins! Chalkboard paint is possibly one of my favourite things ever! I have to stop myself from painting everything when we've got the tin out. I like Nicole's idea of using them as a notepad.
    We just did a chalkboard paint project last weekend. Have a look if you're interested.

    1. Love what you did with your wall Pete. I'm the same way I love the chalkboard paint and part of me wants to paint whole walls in it but I have to stop myself from doing it.


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