May 11, 2013

Meet the new Blog: paula vaughan

Hey there!  So here she is my new and improved blog. 
Thank you to Aubrey over at The Kitch Life for her wonderful Blog Design. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog, whether it's on purpose or by accident. While you're here checking things out, here are some fun facts about this blog and the crazy mastermind behind it...ME!

Honest to Blog!
I started this blog back in 2012 when it was called Hoppipolla after my favourite song. After a year of blogging about just random stuff, my wonderful hubby told me 
"Paula stop writing about things that happen and start showing off your passions and skills". 
So with that said I decided to revamp my blog into:

(original I know) 

What will you now find on this blog you ask?
1. How I use my passion and interest in Interior Design to make mine and my husbands Condo from a drab white walled place with grandma floral border from the 80's into, a Beautiful Home with a splash of NERD to really make it ours. 
2. A place where I can show off my amateur photography skills which I am very proud of with the hopes that other people will like it too. 
3. Show off my mad crafty side with How-To-Tutorials, of things I come up with for the home or other places. 

Who is Paula Vaughan?

Well part of me is still trying to figure that out but here is what I do know:

-I am a 26 year old living in Ontario, Canada with my Husband Richard of one and a half years, but he has been my partner in crime for over six years. 

- I am a dress lover, and could live everyday in dresses and skirts. I am a big fan of 1930-1950 fashion, I was clearly born in the wrong decade. 

-I am an adrenaline junkie and hope to cross off all the crazy crap I have on my Bucket List one day. 

- I have a healthy obsession with all things Harry Potter both books and movies. As well as a not so healthy obsession with mustaches. I can not tell you how many trinkets I have from both obsessions.  Do not be surprised if you see them splashed around this blog. 

- I am a Halloween Haunt Enthusiast which is a MAJOR passion for Richard and I. We will spend most weekends in October travelling around looking for professional haunts as well as amateur ones. Richard and I both one day hope to have one of our very own. 

-I am a huge Movie Geek, owning 100's of movies, and not those ones you buy that are burned at a flee market for $5. I'm also not one of those people who are like "Oh I have thousands of movies I downloaded for free on my hard drive, and haven't watched them yet." Oh no I am talking DVD's that I have purchased at full price, that are all in my living room for me to covet and drool over. 
I love watching everything from Black and White Classics, to Musicals (both vintage and new), to Comedies (both romantic and crude), Dramas, Documentaries, Drive In Classics, all the way to my favourite genre Horror. I dream of one day being an extra (not an actress) in a movie where I can tell people "See that blonde chick that is blurry in the background? That's totally me I swear!"

-I am the proud owner of two of my three favourite animals. A turtle named Squirt and a kitty named Kessi. I'm still holding out on a penguin named Mubble, though I do have a stuffed one that Richard gave me when my tonsils were taken out back in 2011. 

-I love spending time with my family both related by blood and marriage, as well as being around friends and laughing and enjoying the crazy stuff life throws at you. 

I hope you stick around and see what I have in store for this blog and don't be afraid to contact me with questions or just to say Hi!

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  1. Looks really good Paula and I look forward to reading accounts of your various decorating exploits on here.

    Well done!

    Aunt Val

    1. Thanks Aunt Val I'm looking forward to showing off what I can do.

  2. really cute! i am thinking of having her redo mine as well. she does awesome stuff.

    1. I highly suggest her she is very sweet and clearly does awesome designs. I've seen a lot of her work on other websites too.

  3. Wow your blog looks amazing, I think I might actually change my up a bit too! Great job, cant wait to see all that comes next!!

    1. Oh for sure look into her designs she does some great stuff and is always quick to come back with responses. I will definitely go back to her if ever I feel the need to change something up.


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