This week was me basically getting back into the swing of things after my Staycation at home with the Hubs. Unfortunately I've been super grumpy this week and not really in the mood to do to much so this H54F week is one HIGH short. As always with these posts I'm linking up with Lauren.
If you follow my Instagram @pvaughan86 you will notice that on Sunday I went to Canada's Wonderland with Richard and our nephew and niece. My sister was awesome enough to make us a delicious packed lunch for the day which saved us a ton of money cause Wonderland tends to jack up their food prices like its nobody's business. Then to top it off she made us dinner when we dropped the kids off, which is always appreciated as I dislike cooking.
After Wonderland I came home and was in desperate need of a little ME time. This included a nice bath with my new bath salts, a glass of wine, and a new book. Well one glass of wine became four and a half glasses of wine and for a girl who can't hold her liquor that was probably two and a half glasses to many.
So now we got into super tipsy on your way to full out drunk Paula. Which if I do say so myself can be quite a hoot! This ended with some very hilarious drunk texting to Richard who was only in the next room of the Condo, and finished off with a solo dance routine of me on the bed to Beyonce's Single Ladies.
So I have a love for stationary. I don't know what it is but I've always loved buying journals with a pretty and girly design. I also have a crazy thing about Post-It Notes. I love the tropical colours selection they have then sometimes I will go crazy and get them in cool designs like star shapes or hearts or flowers.
So this time I went all out for my blogging journal and bought new sticky notes and a journal and these really awesome sharpie fine tip pens, in eight count them EIGHT fun colours!! The best part about these pens is they don't bleed through your pages. If you've ever used Sharpies before you know that they have a nasty habit of bleeding through the pages and leaving blotching spots all over the next couple pages, but not these bad boys. Super excited to use them.
And finally I got to watch Silver Linings Playbook with my cousin Michael. We have been planning on watching this movie together since it was in theaters but never got around to it. Then I found it at Costco on blue ray and bought it but it's been a couple of weeks for Mike and I to get together and sit down and actually watch it. We both enjoyed it as it and I can totally see why Jennifer Lawrence won the Oscar for Best Actress. I love Jennifer Lawrence but then again how can you not love her? The movie had a lot of WTF moments and laugh out loud moments. Bradley Cooper as always was great in it too. To be honest the whole cast was great, writing was well done and the story was lovely. I have the book but I have yet to read it. So I want to get started on that next. Maybe at the beginning of next week I will start on it.

Richard and I are taking another vacation this weekend to Ottawa to see a Halloween Carnival. A week of vacation wasn't enough for us so we needed one more. I know its crazy for a Halloween themed carnival to be happening in June but there you have it. We are renting a hotel for the night and also rented a car for the drive up as I don't trust my car to make that long of a trip back and forth. From where we live its a four hour drive and I worry that Sookie (yep I named my car that) will break down in the middle of the trip.
Also I start my 30 day squat and ab challenge Saturday so wish me luck, cause it's gonna be a beotch.
Do any of you have anything special planned this weekend?
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