So back to the weather, and me hating summer. I hate the heat that comes with summer. The blistering sun and constantly having to apply 100+ SPF to my pasty English bred body. And the sweat! Who in the hell enjoys sweating? Serious are there actually people out there who enjoy getting sweat in their eyes and have it run into all sorts of crevices and creases on their bodies, until they resemble the slime monster from Ghostbusters (minus the green skin tone, unless of course your sick, then you're probably in need of medical care. You should get that looked at). I feel like there is only one time where I can tolerate sweating and it's when I'm with the husband and even then I'm like "can we please turn on the fan? This isn't a turn on for me." TMI? I don't care.
Then there's rain. I like rain, I'd even go as far as to say I love rain. I love watching it pour outside, safely from my window, especially if there is thunder and lightening. Listening to it as I sleep is always fun too, but I'm getting a little tired of the amount we've had this year. I think that is what's making me feel down and unmotivated. It's sad going home and being stuck inside. To top all that off, on the days it's not raining and actually nice out I'm stuck running an errand and, of course, as soon as I'm done the heavens open and it pisses down on us again. What's up with that Mother Nature?
With all that being said I don't think summer is all bad. I enjoy some parts of summer. I enjoy the sun when its not beating down on me. I love the Vitamin D I get that makes me feel altogether happy. I enjoy the longer days, (sunrises at 5:30am and sunsets at 9:00pm) Amusement Parks and BBQs. I love wearing dresses and skirts and lighter colours. I just wish that it could be sunny with the highest days being like 15º with no humidity. Prefect Day!
This is the first day in a while where I can actually enjoy the day and the sun and the birds chirping. I'm planning on Richard and I going for a walk this evening to the store to pick up some items that we have for one of our projects. Also, I'm currently working with the Social Committee at work getting the finishing touches on some of the things we have planned for the Breakfast coming up in the next couple of weeks.
Getting myself to actually do the small things around my house might make me want to do all the projects I have planned. I just have to push myself to do it already. Seeing this on my phone helps a lot too. Only a couple days with rain and I can deal with the 22º-24º weather.
Well if you made it this far through my rant I'm impressed, and also feel like I should apologize for using my blog as a form of bitching about my problems. I promise to post nice things later today and the rest of the week. Getting this all out has actually motivated me to start/finish some things I have going on right now. So there's a silver lining. :)
Oh lady you sound just like Jason! Im not a lover of the rain, and you're right you have gotten a ton this year... but think about the rain and the good things it offers! I know its not ideal but on a rainy day, you come home from work, make a cup of tea and curl up on the couch for a good ol' movie night! The heat I dont know, I am on the other end of the spectrum where I absolutely love the heat.. I could leave the humidity but its 113F in Raleigh right now and I am so upset I am not there to enjoy it! Summer rolls around once a year and the rest of the year Im freezing! Embrace the dresses, cold refreshing drinks and wonderful summer nights! Have dinner on the balcony, I personally enjoy the fact that my appetite diminishes with the heat, sleep naked :P Power of positive thinking!! :) Hope your day gets better!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your time.