This was suppose to be a weekly post but I've been a little unmotivated lately which I really need to get out of the habit of. So I'm trying to fix that by making myself write posts on a weekly basis.
First up this week on A Few of My Favourite Things is a set of photos of a puppy. I'm not a big dog person, I'm more of a cat person but I couldn't resist these photos when I was sent them from a friend on Pinterest. I'm not sure if the photos are real or if they have been enhanced, but the fact is, this puppy is adorable!!!He is totally rocking the doggy mustache and I feel like his name should start with 'Sir', like Sir Henry, or Sir Charles the 9th.Or Klaus, I can also take Klaus.
Second up is Pinterest. I'm sure a lot of people out there know about Pinterest. I am addicted to it and can get engrossed and lost in it for hours and hours. I have 23 boards and just under 2000 pins, so as you can tell I'm on there a lot.
They have made some changes to Pinterest in the last few months that are fantastic. For instance they came out with a new look which is a lot more user friendly. You can move boards around easily and change the cover photos a lot easier. You can now send people pins through email or their Pinterest profile. And the best feature is it will alert you when you are about to pin a pin you have already pinned. (Did that make sense?)
I'm a little OCD when it comes to Pinterest in that I like boards to be alphabetized and with really nice photos as the cover, as well as posting a blurb about what the board is. I mean it just makes sense to me that if you want followers then it's always good to have a nice overall look to your profile; and make it easy for people to view your pins. I recently did this for my friend Nicole and even she said it made a difference.
Some examples of my boards
This was something I bugged my sister with too. She just made a profile this week and I immediately started hammering her about organizing her boards and making everything look consistent. This resulted in her writing a blurb on one of her boards with the following:
Yummy, Delicious Food
So my Pinterest freak sister said I need to make my board more friendly and write blurbs under all my headings. Quite frankly, I think "yummy delicious food" speaks for itself...but to see a "real board" look up Paula Vaughan...teehee
If you aren't already on it I suggest looking it up. It's great for inspiration on just about anything, from fitness to interior design, to party planning. If you want to start following me you can do so here: Paula Vaughan Here is my sister Karen's Pinterest: Karen Kalverda

Something else I love is tattoos. I love having tattoos and looking at other peoples tattoos. If I had the money I think I would probably get a half sleeve, on my right arm. That's the thing with tattoos though, they are addictive, expensive and for the rest of your life. When you get one its a big decision and not one you should take lightly.
The two things I will say to people who want to get a tattoo are 1. DO YOUR RESEARCH and 2.MAKE SURE ITS SOMETHING YOU REALLY WANT. This is something that is going to be on your body for a long time. Do your research and find a good tattoo artist who will do the tattoo for you and make it look phenomenal. Tattoos are expensive to get and maintain (cause if they fade you need to touch them up) and whats even more expensive is tattoo removal (and more painful from what I've heard).
I unfortunately went guns blazing into my first tattoo. It was a medium-ish size tattoo on my right shoulder as a memorial to one of my sisters and my mother who passed away. I drew out what I wanted and had a picture of it that I carried around just to make sure I loved it even after a couple of months of looking at it. Once I decided this was the tattoo I wanted I went in to a tattoo shop but had a bad experience with the consult, so I left and went down the street to another tattoo shop instead.
When I got the tattoo I liked it but it was my first, so whats not to like. I was and still am naive. So I quickly followed my first tattoo with my second and then third (which was another memorial tattoo for another sister) and then my forth. Three out of my four tattoos now need to be fixed. They are all poorly done and the most important one (the memorial tattoo for three members of my family) is so bad, I'm embarrassed to show it to people. This is all something that could have been done if I followed my first rule.
I have now found a tattoo artist who's work I really love and I'm planning on booking a consult with him to see what he can do for my tattoos that need fixing; as well as pricing out two other tattoos I want to get. Once they are all done I will take pictures and show them off here.
I think tattoos can tell a story and why not use the biggest canvas you have to show that story to the world.
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