Richard and I were fighting each other about what colour the lights should be. I who had been around white lights wanted only what I was use to where as Richard was against it. He wanted coloured lights and that's it. If you read this blog you know Richard and I are both more into Halloween then Christmas, but Richard was really passionate about what he wanted our tree to look like. He wanted a tradition tree that looked like the decorations were home made or passed down. At this point I was pretty much like "Whatever I don't care, Christmas sucks anyway."
WHAT!?! Christmas doesn't suck, Paula you're insane. ( I can only imagine that's what people are saying when they read that.) But for me it has. Not to be a downer like my sister Karen says I always am but, for many years after my Mum passed I've never been overly excited about this holiday. Christmas was always so over the top when she was alive and since then it's truly never felt the same to me. I do try. I really do. And I'm making more of an effort this year to be in the holiday spirit. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas Day. I love the days leading up to it too. I love the potluck family dinner we have with my side of the family. All the games that my brother Matthew will make us play. The laughter that will be shared. I love getting together and spending actual Christmas Day with Richard's family. A tradition that has become a favourite of mine. I LOVE the togetherness of it all, but its also a time I get the blues.Usually I don't put the tree up until a week before Christmas because I honestly don't care, and then it's down come Boxing Day. But Richard being the incredible person he is, is pushing for us to do more holiday stuff sooner this year. He knows how depressed I get so this year especially he's all about the Christmas Spirit.
Ok enough with the all the "Bah! Humbug!" let's get back to our tree.
We were very lucky that Richard's family came to the rescue as always and gave us some ornaments from their collection to start us off. We were given some teddy bears, and nutcrackers, as well as some silver garland. With their help we were able to pick up new decorations and a really cute quilted looking tree skirt. Every year we buy a couple more decorations for the tree, as well as ornament exchanges with my side of the family instead of presents.
We use to buy presents for everyone but living in a large family where you end up having to buy presents for 15+ people was getting to be to much. Honestly it wasn't worth it. Then we started doing Secret Santa, which turned into Bad Santa, which eventually turned into each person buys one tree ornament or decoration for a secret exchange. So with this new family tradition our collection has grown and now we have beautiful decorations.
Now six years later despite hating it for so long, I now love our tree. I've tried replacing her over the years but Richard always gets this sad look on his face. He eventually told me one year, "Paula this is OUR tree, and our first one as a couple. Why would you want to get rid of it." Honestly you cant mess with a statement like that. Another thing that Richard is adamant about is that we have to decorate the tree together. Which it totally fine by me as long as we have a Christmas themed movie playing in the background while we decorate.
We both know that eventually we will have to buy a new one. It's a tree where the lights are already attached to it, which means when enough of them burn out and cant be replaced we will have to get a new one. But until then this little beauty will stay in our family and get more and more full.
I will say that something definitely changed this year though. Maybe it was Richard's attitude to make this Christmas better, maybe its all that vitamin-d I'm taking, but I got to say I'm not dreading the Holiday Season as much as I usually do.
Can't wait to celebrate early with my family this Saturday for our Bowman-Kalverda-McPhee-Vaughan Christmas. Seriously we got a lot people on my side coming over on Saturday. 14 people and only a table that sits 4. But we have lots of floor space so it looks like people will be eating off their laps.
Sorry Family. :)
Ahh it makes me so happy to hear that you are looking forward to the Christmas season! I completely understand why this time of year could be hard for you, but if you embrace it think of all the amazing memories you can make to look back on!
ReplyDeleteThe picture you posted of the carousel horse in the glass bell reminded me of my childhood Christmas's at home! We have a bunch of those and I believe they came from one of those school sale things, when you have to bring home a book and sell all the crap in it to your family and friends.. I always got one of those and still to this day think they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
This post made me smile! Miss you! XO