March 14, 2013

A conversation between my brain and my stomach.

Stomach: So I know you have banana bread with you today, why not just take a little bit. If you spread the thing out throughout the day you can have some at every opportunity. I mean come on you just finished putting in that order to G&T don’t you deserve a little props for a job well done?

Brain: Ya but we already agreed to wait till the end of the day.

Stomach: But I’m soooooo hungry. Did you hear that little grumble, that happened because your hungry.

Brain: So drink some water, the water will help you from not being hungry.

Stomach: Yes this is true however then you will need to pee which means you have to get people to cover you so you can go to the bathroom, isn’t that right Bladder?

Bladder: I don’t like the bathroom it smells and people talk to each other in there. *hides further into body*

Stomach: See Brain what you’re doing to Bladder, you want to end up in the hospital again? I didn’t think so. Come on woman just a little piece. Help a  sister out.

Brain: Fine one piece that’s it. But I swear stomach that’s it. Promise me.

Stomach: Ok promise jeez calm down *eats a piece of bread* Oh f**k that is delicious. But wait you didn’t break the piece evenly so you should make a clean cut. *eats more* Goddamn that’s good. But its still uneven….

Brain: I see what you are doing!!!! You’re trying to use my OCD problem and get more bread. You promised Stomach. *takes bread and hides it purse*

Stomach: crap you caught that huh? Well at least give me the crumbs that fell off I mean come on keep the tupperware clean at least, what have you become uncivilized.

Brian: No!!!! The Tupperware is now hidden you can have the crumbs later. Now shut up.

Stomach: *makes stomach grumble*

Brain: Not going to work this time bitch. 

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