February 28, 2013

Honest to Blog.

I saw this post done on this great blog http://www.lovelylittlethingsblog.com/ and wanted to do one as well. So here is what is currently going on in my life, because I know oh so many people want to know. LOL.

Eating: I've been really into eating breakfast for dinner. Last night I made a yummy and delicious breakfast with scrambled eggs, bacon, baked beans, and sliced tomato. Every bite was so good and it just makes me want to have it again tonight. Hmmm pancakes and bacon for dinner. DROOL.

Drinking: Wolf Bass Wine. My sister Karen had her 40th Birthday on the 9th of February and she brought with her some of this wine. She unfortunately (for her) left it at our place which was fine by me and Richard. I bought a bottle on Tuesday night for dinner, and between the two of us we finished it that night.

 I’ve currently been re-reading The Black Dagger Brotherhood in preparation for the release of the next book in the series. A few others that are up on my "to read" list are:  Casual VacancyThe Silver Linings Playbook, The Game of Thrones Series, The Mortal Instruments Series, and of course the new book in the brotherhood series Lover at Last.

This is a tough one to talk about. I've been feeling really depressed for a long time. It’s hard to talk about and not something I really want to go into depth on here about, but I am trying to turn that around. I’m trying to do things that bring my spirits up a bit more. Talking a lot with Richard helps as well, but I know I have to make some real changes in my life if I want to get into a better spot emotionally and physically. Today though, as I’m writing this I feel good but also restless. There are things I want to do, but can’t get started on until this weekend.

The fact that I am no longer sick with a cold or, the remnants of my kidney infection! Can I get an Amen!!! I’m the worst person to be around when I’m sick because I complain like a 5 year old. However now I feel like myself a bit more, and even started wearing makeup again. Which always makes me feel girly and pretty. Something about wearing makeup always makes me happy. Might have something to do with the compliments I get. Ya that must be it. :P

Watching: ARCHER! Richard and I have been watching this show constantly, on Netflix. Our friend Heather introduced us to it and we laugh our asses off to each episode. We both love how it’s a cartoon show but there are actually story arcs and building on characters story lines in the show. Another show I've been watching non stop is SyFy’s Face Off. I love watching the special effects makeup come together at the end of each episode. Season 3 was definitely my favourite just because the contestants all seemed super skilled and overall nice to each other. No backstabbing or BS going on. Just people with actual skill helping each other out and try and win a competition.

Listening: Florence and the Machine tracks fromt the second album of Lungs. More specifically 'Falling' and her cover of 'Addicted to Love'. As well as 'Bones' by MSMR. I heard this song in the season 3 trailer of GoT and loved it. I listen to it on repeat a lot. 

Learning: How to do different hairstyles with help from Kate over at The Small Things Blog.These tutorials are so easy to follow and extremely helpful. Especially when all I usually do to my hair is blow-dry and brush it. 

And on a more serious note, learning that who I am right now and where I am right now in my life is OK. Again this has a lot to do with where I am emotionally. 

Well that’s all for me for right now. If you’re reading this I hope your day is going well too. If your in the Toronto Area I hope you guys are taking pictures of the Winter Wonderland that's outside. I didn't get to take any pictures but it looks like a photographers dream out there today. Snow all over the trees and its just the right kinda overcast for stunning photos. Hopefully it will remain that way and I can snap a few photos when I get home. Have a great Thursday everyone. 

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