February 18, 2012

Baby Shower DIY

I mentioned in a post earlier that a friend of mine asked if I could make some corsages similar to the ones I made for my wedding. Well today Richards mum, sister, and I got together and made 6 custom baby shower corsages. Each one is a little different, and we sent my friend a photo of the final products and she thinks they are adorable! The three of us are also really proud and happy with the final results. Have a look below. (I apologise in advance for the first three photos, they were taken with my phone camera.)

February 12, 2012

Love Story Equestrian

I mentioned in my last post about going to the barn where Shavon works two weeks ago. The barn is called Love Story Equestrian. They had a clinic that day and, I was asked to take some photos of the horses and the riders. These aren't all the photos but they are some of my favourites. Please tell me what you think as I would love to get peoples' opinions. This is the first time I've ever done this kind of a thing on my own before, and I'm quite proud of how they turned out. :)







February 4, 2012

Our New Condo!!! Picture Heavy

Well it has been a roller coaster of a week. Richard and I went Condo shopping last Friday not expecting to find anything, but to just see how much money would get us what. The first place we saw was actually quite perfect for us, it just needs some basic cosmetic upgrades and some fresh paint. After we saw this one we looked at 3 others but kept going back to the first. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get something so soon, because we had originally said we were going to wait a year before making a decision. After talking with family members we decided to look at it again with Richards parents and, see what we thought on a second look. Well the second look was a great idea because, we decided it was just what we wanted and we put in an offer. On Monday we found out that the offer was accepted!!!! I'm very happy but also very nervous, and Richard is extremely happy because this is the last big thing we have to do. The condo is in downtown Brampton close to Shoppers World, so its perfect for Richard as it is only a 5-10 minute walk for him to catch his bus for work. It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms and we will have our own laundry room. On Thursday we had a home inspection which went very well and while I was there I took some photos to show everyone.






I'm really looking forward to making this place our own. Richard and I have decided to redecorate one room at a time and I want to start with his office, then move onto our bedroom, and then move onto the Living Room. We move April the 27th. :)