May 26, 2014

The Meteor Shower...that wasn't.

So last Friday there was supposed to be a meteor shower between the hours of 1am-4am on Saturday Morning. Its been on my Bucket List to see a meteor shower so I was extremely excited when my uncle suggested we go. I went along with my uncle, niece and sister. We drove out to a spot in Caledon, just after midnight on Saturday, called The Forks of the Credit to set up our cameras in hopes of getting some photos.

The weather was extremely overcast but quickly cleared up by the time we got out to Caledon. We were lucky that only once during the night did we have cloud overcast but it eventually thinned out and we could see the stars again. But as you can tell by the title of this post the shower never happened. We were all pretty bummed out. But we all learned a lot about night time photo taking, and my Uncle and niece were able to get some pretty amazing photos.

An even bigger disappointment for me was that my camera just would not focus. Imagine turning off all your lights in your bedroom and trying to see a piece of fluff on your floor. Its not exactly easy. My uncle was able to focus his own lens and helped my niece focus hers but none of us could get my camera lens to focus. It was extremely frustrating and the more I tried the more I wanted to cry. I tried for about an hour and half  to work with my camera taking just under 50 images by turning my lens this way and that, trying to see what I could do. Around 2:00am I just said 'fuck it' and turned off my camera. Out of all the photos I took I was able to play with only 3 of them but like I said it was a learning experience and I'm glad I went.
All of my photos where shot on ISO 1600 at a F-Stop of 4.0 with Shutter Speed at 25-30 seconds.
I edited them in Photoshop Elements 11 changing the White Balance a bit and upping the contrast.

Despite not seeing a meteor shower I did get to see a dozen or so shooting stars. I've never seen a shooting star before so every time it raced across the sky I let out a little 'Ohh' and 'Ahh'. Which was quickly followed by my niece screaming " camera was faced the wrong way."

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May 19, 2014

Photo Adventure: Toronto Lakeshore

On Saturday Hillary and I went on another photo adventure. We haven't done one since the fall and this weekend seemed like a good opportunity to get together. The weather was a little cold in the morning and I was afraid that it was going to rain but luckily the weather held out and we were able to get a lot of shots in.

Hillary and I were practicing some action photos which unfortunately didn't work for me the way I would have liked but I was able to get some great scenic photos. I'm more and more impressed with my own photos of late and I think a large portion of that has to do with the fact that I'm taking more photos on a day to day basis.

Anyway lets get to the photos I took from this weekend. Enjoy.

This is one from Hillary's photos of me trying to skip stones. The most I got was three but we didn't get a photo of it. So mostly it was just me failing and watching one stone plop into the water.

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