June 6, 2014

Photo Adventure- My Neighbourhood

Richard and I were walking around our town a week ago and I had my camera on me, so naturally I snapped some photos. Just wanted to share some of them from around our little street, which was bathed in some beautiful light. Spring finally made an appearance, and its just in time for Summer. Did you feel the sarcasm in that sentence?

Summer is my least favourite season, mostly due to the heat and the fact that I can't stand out in the sun without my trusty 110 SPF Sunscreen, cardigan, and parasol. Seriously it gets worse and worse every year. Screw you Mother Nature. I want to live with the Elves in Lord of the Rings who live in a land where its always Autumn. If you know where I can catch a plane to Middle Earth I'm ready to hang out with Legolas and Kate from Lost. 
  photo Signature_zpsd4e9c8bf.png


  1. Gorgeous! I love your photos!
    What neighborhood is this? I love the street signs!

    1. Thanks Nicole :) We live in Downtown Brampton.


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