November 30, 2013


If you are a follower of my Instagram or my Twitter you will know that last Saturday I helped plan this years Holiday Party for my work. This year in particular was special due to it's theme, which by the title of this post you can see was a Masquerade.

It has been on my Bucket List since I was a little girl, and I first experienced the play 'Phantom of the Opera' that going to a Masquerade was a must! Earlier in the year I was looking up on how I could achieve this when I found out that Castle Loma in Toronto actually holds a Masquerade around New Years. However this was an all ages kinda thing and I just wasn't interested. Then the thought acquired to me that if I couldn't attend one then I would help organize one. So I brought the theme idea to the Social Committee and everyone liked the idea so...BAM!

All year we have been planning this and it was a huge success. Not only did people like this theme but we had the largest turn out for RSVP's ever. We had performers from Zero Gravity Circus who were walking around in costumes while people arrived, as well as a Juggler during Dinner. All the centerpieces were called for and taken at the end of the night by employees, and we also had a photographer for the evening who provided all the wonderful photos.

Granted this wasn't a mandatory Masquerade, and a lot of people didn't wear masks for the whole event, or even at all but who cares! The point is that it was a success and something our company has never done before.

Below are some pictures from the night to show off all our hard work. All photos were taken by Dennis Duong at MotionD Photography.

List of Vendors 
Venue: Castlefield Event Theatre DJ: James Able Disc Jockeys Photography: MotionD Photography Performers: Zero Gravity Circus
Centerpieces and Decorations
Vase/Lampshade/Birdcages/Candelabras: Home Sense Candles: Ikea Generic Masks and White Masks: Party City Ribbons: Michaels 
Metal Masks Worn by Guests: Elite Crafting

I am so glad I have been apart of the Social Committee at MicroAge for two years and have helped organize and plan 4 events. Its been a fun experience but with my new promotion this year I've decided that I can't handle both. So this was definitely a great way to end it.

If you have any questions about anything from the pictures above or the events in general don't hesitate to ask.

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November 28, 2013

Honest to Blog- Bucket Lists

I like a lot of people have a Bucket List. Being an notorious list maker I have created Bucket Lists for different events in my life. I had one when I was in High School as well as one for College. My High School/College one was fairly simple:

Make out with someone in a movie theatre.
Smoke a cigarette.
Go to Prom
Graduate High School
Get Drunk
Try Weed
Get my Licence
Have Sex 
Get into College
Graduate College
Get a Tattoo
The third photo is of my first time drunk. I'm doing my 'Rose Pose'. As you can see from the photos above some of these were accomplished, others took longer then I thought, and some, well some never happened. 

Since then I have created other lists. Much longer lists. I now have a fairly large Bucket List for things I want to accomplish in my life. While I understand that some of my dreams may never happen, see Graduate College above, my plan is to cross off as many as I can.

In my last post I talked about creating goals for myself. I figure having a bucket list is an "In Your Face" way of not only having goals, but also accomplishing those goals.

So without further adieu, here is my Bucket List, split off into different sections no less. Yes I am aware I am a nerd.

Bucket List!!

Classes I Want to Take
Learn Ballroom Dancing
Take a Pole Dancing Class
Learn an Instrument (Guitar or Violin)
Learn Archery
Learn how to drive a Motorcycle
Learn how to Ice Skate/Rollerblade
Learn how to Run

Fun Things to do Once or Twice
Travel on a Plane
Have my photo taken in a photo booth
Fly a Plane
Go Soaring/Gliding
Go in a Helicopter
Go Skydiving
Try Absinthe 
Go Sailing
Swim with Sharks
See a Sea Turtle
Go Scuba Diving
See the Northern Lights 
See a Kangaroo
Do a Marathon for a Charity (walking/running/biking)
Go Zip Lining
Go Bungee Jumping
Get Married
Own a Car
Buy a Home
Do the Polar Bear Swim
Ride an Elephant
Do the CN Tower Sky Walk
Meet a Celebrity
Be an extra on a film set
Go Skiing/Snowboarding
Stay in a Penthouse in a Hotel
Go to a shooting range and fire a gun
Go White Water Rafting (This is by far the scariest thing I can do. I have a terrible fear of drowning.)
See a Meteor Shower
Go to a Ball
Go to a Masquerade
See a Cirque du Soleil Show
Get into a Food Fight
Do the Zombie Walk
Do the Colour Run
See a Ballet
Have a REALLY Fancy Night Out. 
Take a REALLY SCARY Haunted Tour
See a 3D Chalk Art
Dance in the Rain
Do a Free Stand Hand Stand
Go Horse Back Riding
Have the balls to do a Boudoir Photoshoot

Go to Florida
Go to France
Go to Ireland
Go to Scotland
Go to Africa
Go to Australia
Go to Hawaii
Go to Dubai
Go to Egypt and see the pyramids
Go to China and see and walk on the Great Wall
See a Cherry Blossom Festival
Go to Tokyo
Go to Austria and do the Sound of Music Tour
See Austria's Green Lake
Go to Germany for Krampus Fest and see The Geiger Museum
Stay at a room in Lake Louise
Go to Amsterdam
See a Volcano (preferably not because I'm running from Lava)
Go to Pompeii
Go to Hollywood and take a tour of film sets and see the Hollywood Sign. 
Go on an Alaskan Cruise
Go to New York
Go to San Francisco
Go to a Lantern Festival
Go to Las Vegas
See Easter Island
Go to England
See Antelope Canyon and The Grande Canyon
Go to North and South Carolina
Go to British Columbia
Go to New Orleans

Things I want to Own
(Yes it may seem shallow but a girl deserves pretty things)
Something from Tiffany
Burberry Trench Coat
Pearl Earrings
Christian Louboutin Black Pumps
Wardrobe filled with Dresses
Brand Spanking New Car
Own my Home (no more mortgage payments)
Richard Vaughan's First Published Book

Pretty Long Ass list, right? Well as you can see I've crossed some of those things off, but I'm far from done. I am also aware that some of these things are super crazy and I will never ever achieve them, but what happens if I can? Well then I take out my fancy pen -or in this case scratch out button- and cross it off my list. So here's to making goals and achieving them.

Do any of you have Bucket List? Are you like me and carry it on you where ever you go? What are some of the things on your Bucket List?

PS in my next post I'll be sharing all about the latest thing I got to cross off my Bucket List.

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November 25, 2013

Honest To Blog- Goals for the Future.

Well its been a while since I wrote on this blog. And I hate to admit it, but this always happens. It's like a common thing with me, which is a fact that I hate. I get an idea to do something - like write this blog- and then it slowly fizzles out because I get distracted by something else going on in my life. Or laziness will become a factor. A lot of laziness if I'm being completely honest.

But I really love this blog, and I really love writing on here. I find it's a way to get my thoughts out or to keep myself motivated with goals.I will admit that I did want this blog to take off. Into what? I didn't know. I just kept thinking wouldn't it be awesome if I had people who were interested in the things I did and would want to follow my blog and then I realized a few things.

1. No one really cares what I do. And I'm not saying that in a "Oh golly gee everyone hates me and no one cares what I do." I'm saying it in a "No one cares cause I don't do anything spectacular or different." I mean I don't even think my family reads this.

2. I don't post nearly enough to garner (is that even the right word? or the right spelling?) an audience who would want to follow my blog. So really should I be surprised I have no followers.

3. This started out as something I wanted to do for me. A place to show off my talents and screw it if I don't have an audience. So what if the only people who read it are my husband, because I ask him to edit my work, and myself. I have a feeling that's my core audience. LOL. And if for some reason you actually are reading this and I've excluded you then I'm sorry and please continue to read my stuff. Leave a message and we can chat, and then I will know there are more people out there who actually like what I do.

Anyway I've recently been writing a bit more and to be honest I'm actually enjoying it. A Lot. More then I thought I would. I'm currently working on a novel that has been in my head for a while. Richard started a little writing group which I joined and while I'm only in my third chapter, I'm thinking to myself,

WOW I'm in a third chapter of a novel I'm writing. 
**Que Happy Dance**

And I've been getting a lot of compliments on it from people I've asked to read it. Plus those people are asking for the next chapters because they actually want to know what happens. Which got me thinking more about this blog.

So I'm going to set a couple of goals for myself. I really want to write weekly posts even if its something small that's happened. I'm hoping it will keep me motivated to continue to write, and goals are always good to have I think. I'm a notorious list maker so this is just something else to add to the list.

So here's hoping my laziness and life doesn't become to much of a problem and I can keep my goals and my writing a priority in my life. Also if you have been reading my posts thanks for sticking around, and I hope to continue to entertain you. :)

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